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Dictionary Definition :

paṃsu : [m.] soil; dust,

A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera, Concise Pali-English and English-Pali Dictionary [available as digital version from Metta Net, Sri Lanka]

Paŋsu [cp. Ved. pāŋsu] dust, dirt, soil S v.459; A i.253; Pv ii.37. -- paŋsvāgārakā playmates S iii.190; saha<->paŋsukīḷitā id. (lit. playing together with mud, making mud pies) A ii.186; J i.364; PvA 30. Cp. BSk. sahapāŋśukrīḍita MVastu iii.450.
   -- kūla rags from a dust heap (cp. Vin. Texts ii.156) Vin i.58; M i.78; S ii.202; A i.240, 295; ii.206; iv.230; It 102=A ii.26; Dh 395; Pug 69; PvA 141, 144. A quâsi definition of p. -- k. is to be found at Vism 60. -- kūlika one who wears clothes made of rags taken from a dust heap M i.30; S ii.187; A iii.187, 219, 371 sq.; Vin iii.15; iv.360; Ud 42; Pug 55; DhA iv.157; ˚attan (nt. abstr.) the habit of wearing rags M i.214; iii.41; A i.38; iii.108. -- guṇṭhita (vv. ll. ˚kuṇḍita, ˚kuṇṭhita) covered with dust or dirt S i.197; J vi.559; Pv ii.35. -- pisācaka a mud sprite (some sort of demon) J iii.147; iv.380; DhA ii.26. -- muṭṭhi a handful of soil J vi. 405.-- vappa sowing on light soil (opp. kalalavappa sowing on heavy soil or mud) SnA 137.

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,
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