Pānīya Jātaka (No. 459)
The story of how six persons became Pacceka Buddhas by feeling remorse for sins committed and by developing supernatural insight. The Jātaka derives its name from the first of these, who was a villager of Kāsi. He went with his friend into the fields, each carrying a flask of water. From time to time they drank, but the first drank out of the other's flask, wishing to save the water in his own. In the evening remorse seized him, and as he stood reflecting on his wickedness he became a Pacceka Buddha.
The Pacceka Buddhas met at Nandamūlapabbhāra and together visited the king of Benares who was the Bodhisatta. On hearing their stories he renounced the world, and, in spite of the efforts of his consort to stop him, became an ascetic.
The story was related in reference to five hundred householders of Sāvatthi who became monks. They lived in the monastery but indulged in thoughts of sin. The Buddha sent Ananda to summon them, and admonished them saying that no matter how small a sin it was, it must be checked (J.iv.113ff). The queen consort of the story was Rāhulamātā.