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Dictionary Definition :

Papaṭikā (f.) [cp. Sk. prapāṭikā (lexic. & gram.) young shoot, sprout; and parpharīka (RV.) one who tears to pieces; also Sk. parpaṭa N. of a plant] 1. a splinter, piece, fragment, chip Vin ii.193 (read tato pap.˚); A iv.70 sq. (of ayophāla); J v.333 (same as Vin passage); Miln 179. -- 2. the outer dry bark or crust of a tree, falling off in shreads; also shoots, sprouts M i.78, 192 sq., 488; A i.152; iii.19 sq., 44, 200, 360; iv.99, 336; v.4 sq., 314 sq.; J iii.491. Cp. pheggu.

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,