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Para (adv. -- adj.) [fr. Idg. *per, *peri (cp. pari); Ved. para, parā, paraŋ; Lat. per through, Gr. pe/ra & pe/ran beyond; see Walde, Lat. Wtb. under per & also pari, pubba, pura, purāṇa] 1. (adv. & prep.) beyond, on the further side of (with abl. or loc.), over PvA 168 (para Gangāya, v. l. ˚āyaŋ). See in same meaning & application paraŋ, paro and parā & cp. cpds. like paraloka. -- 2. (adj.) para follows the pron. declension; cases: sg. nom. paro Sn 879, acc. paraŋ Sn 132, 185, gen. dat. parassa Sn 634; Pv ii.919, instr. parena PvA 116, loc. paramhi Sn 634, and pare Pv ii.943; pl. nom. pare Dh 6, acc. pare Dh 257; PvA 15, gen. dat. paresaŋ D i.3; Th 1, 743; J i.256; Sn 818, instr. parehi Sn 240, 255; PvA 17. -- Meanings: (a) beyond, i. e. "higher" in space (like Ved. para as opp. to avara lower), as well as "further" in time (i. e. future, to come, or also remote, past: see loc. pare under c.), freq. in phrase paro loko the world beyond, the world (i. e. life) to come, the beyond or future life (opp. ayaŋ loko) Sn 185 (asmā lokā paraŋ lokaŋ na socati), 634 (asmiŋ loke paramhi ca); Dh 168 (paramhi loke); Pv ii.83 (id.=paraloke PvA 107); but also in other combn, like santi -- para (adj.) higher than calm Dh 202. Cp. paraloka, paraŋ and paro. -- (b) another, other, adj. as well as n., pl. others Sn 396 (parassa dāraŋ nâtikkameyya), 818 (paresaŋ, cp. Nd1 150); Dh 160 (ko paro who else), 257 (pare others); Pv ii.919(parassa dānaŋ); ii.943 (pare, loc.= paramhi parassa PvA 130); DhA iv.182 (gen. pl.); PvA 15, 60 (paresaŋ dat.), 103, 116, 253 (parassa purisassa & paraŋ purisaŋ). Often contrasted with and opposed to attano (one's own, oneself), e. g. at M i.200 (paraŋ vambheti attānaŋ ukkaŋseti); Sn 132 (attānaŋ samukkaŋse paraŋ avajānāti); J i.256 (paresaŋ, opp. attanā); Nd2 26 (att -- attha opp. par -- attha, see cpds. ˚ajjhāsaya & ˚attha). -- paro . . . paro "the one . . . the other" Di.224 (kiŋ hi paro parassa karissati); paro paraŋ one another Sn 148 (paro paraŋ nikubbetha). <-> In a special sense we find pare pl. in the meaning of "the others," i. e. outsiders, aliens (to the religion of the Buddha), enemies, opponents (like Vedic pare) D i.2 (=paṭiviruddhā sattā DA i.51); Vin i.349; Dh 6. -- (c) some oblique cases in special meaning and used as adv.: paraŋ acc. sg. m. see under cpds., like parantapa; as nt. adv. see sep. In phrase puna ca paraŋ would be better read puna c' aparaŋ (see apara). -- parena (instr.) later on, afterwards J iii.395 (=aparenasamayena C.). -- pare (loc.); cp. Gr. parai/ at; Lat. prae before; Goth. faúra=E, for, old dat. of *per) in the past, before, yet earlier J ii.279 (where it continuesajja and hiyyo, i. e. to -- day and yesterday, and refers to the day before yesterday. Similarly at Vin iv.63 pare is contrasted with ajja & hiyyo and may mean "in future," or "the day before yesterday." It is of interest to notice the Ved. use of pare as "in the future" opp. to adya & śvas); J iii.423 (the day before yesterday). At DhA i.253 (sve vā pare vā) and iv.170 in the sense of "on the day after tomorrow." -- parā (only apparently abl., in reality either para+a˚ which represents the vocalic beginning of the second part of the cpd., or para+ā which is the directional prefix ā, emphasizing para. The latter expln is more in the spirit of the Pali language): see separately. -- paro (old abl. as adv.=Sk. paras) beyond further: see sep. -- parato (abl.) in a variety of expressions and shades of meaning, viz. (1) from another, as regards others A iii.337 (attano parato ca); Nett 8 (ghosa), 50 (id.). -- (2) from the point of view of "otherness," i. e. as strange or something alien, as an enemy M i.435 (in "anicca" -- passage); A iv.423; Nd2 214ii; Ps ii.238; Kvu 400; Miln 418 and passim; in phrase parato disvā "seen as not myself" Th 1, 1160; 2, 101; S i.188 (sankhāre parato passa, dukkhato mā ca attato). <-> (3) on the other side of, away from, beyond J ii.128; PvA 24 (kuḍḍānaŋ). -- (4) further, afterwards, later on S i.34; J i.255; iv.139; SnA 119, 482. -- Note. The compounds with para˚ are combinations either with para 1 (adv. prep.), or para 2 (adj. n.). Those containing para in form parā and in meaning "further on to" see separately under parā˚. See also pāra, pārima etc.
   -- ajjhāsaya intent on others (opp. att˚) SnA 46. -- attha (parattha, to be distinguished from adv. parattha, q. v. sep.) the profit or welfare of another (opp. attattha) S ii.29; A iii.63; Dh 166; Nd2 26. -- âdhīna dependent on others D i.72 (=paresu adhīno parass' eva ruciyā pavattati DA i.212); J vi.99; ThA 15 (˚vuttika); VvA 23 (˚vutti, paresaŋ bhāraŋ vahanto). -- ûpakkama aggression of an enemy, violence Vin ii.194. -- ûpaghāta injuring others, cruelty Vv 8440-- ûpaghātin killing others Dh 184 (=paraŋ upahananto p. DhA iii.237). -- ûpavāda reproaching others Sn 389. -- kata see parankata. -- kammaservice of others, ˚kārin serving others Vv 3322-- kāra see below under parankāra. -- kula clan of another, strange or alien clan Sn 128; Dh 73. -- kkanta[para˚ or parā˚ *krānta?] walked (by another? or gone over?) J vi.559 (better to be read with v. l. on p. 560 as pada˚ i. e. walked by feet, footprint). -- kkama(parā+kram] exertion, endeavour, effort, strife D i.53; iii.113; S i.166 (daḷha˚); ii.28 (purisa˚); v.66, 104 sq.; A i.4, 50 (purisa˚); iv.190; Sn 293; Dh 313; Nd1487; J i.256; ii.153; Dhs 13, 12, 289, 571; Miln 244; DhA iv.139; Sdhp 253; adj. ( -- ˚) sacca˚ one who strives after the truth J iv.383. -- kkamati[*parakramati] to advance, go forward, exert oneself, undertake, show courage Sn 966 (ger. parakkamma); Dh 383 (id.); Pv iii.213 (imper. parakkāma, v. l. parakkama); Pug 19, 23; PvA 184 (=payogaŋ karoti); Sdhp 439. -- kkaroti [either for parā+kṛ or more likely paras+kṛ, cp. paro] lit. "to put on the opposite side," i. e. to remove, do away with J iv.26 (corresponding to apaneti, C. explns as "parato kāreti," taking parato in the sense of para 2 c 3), 404 (mā parākari=mā pariccaji C.). -- gatta alien body, trsl. "limbs that are not thou" Th 1, 1150. -- gavacaṇḍa violent against the cows of another A ii.109=Pug 47 (opp. sakagavacaṇḍa, cp. PugA 226: yo attano gogaṇaŋ ghaṭṭeti, paragogaṇe pana so rato sukhasīlo hoti etc.). -- (n)kata made by something or somebody else, extra -- self, extraneous, alien S i.134 (nayidaŋ attakataŋ bimbaŋ nayidaŋ parakataŋ aghaŋ); with ref. to loka & dukkha and opposed to sayankata Diii.137 sq.; S ii.19 sq., 33 sq., 38 sq.; Ud 69 sq. -- (n)kāra condition of otherness, other people, alienity Ud 70 (opp. ahankara selfhood). -- citta the mind or heart of others A v.160. -- jana a stranger, enemy, demon, fig. devil (cp. Sk. itarajana) M i.153, 210. -- tthaddha [parā+tthaddha] propped against, founded on, relying on (with loc.) J vi.181 (=upatthadda C.). -- tthabbha is to be read for ˚tthambha at J iv.313, in meaning=˚tthaddha (kismiŋ). -- dattûpajīvin living on what is given by others, dependent on another's gift Sn 217; Miln 294. -- davutta see sep. under parada -- dāra the wife of another, somebody else's wife M i.87; A ii.71, 191; Sn 108, 242 (˚sevanā); Dh 246, 309 (˚upasevin, cp. DhA iii.482); J vi.240; DhA iii.481 (˚kamma). -- dārika (better to be read as pāra˚) an adulterer S ii.188, 259; J iii.43. -- dhammika "of someone else's norm," one who follows the teaching of another, i. e. of an heretic teacher Sn 965 (Nd1485: p˚ ā vuccanti satta sahadhammika ṭhapetvā ye keci Buddhe appasannā, dhamme appa nnā, sanghe appasannā). -- niṭṭhita made ready by others S i.236.-- nimmita "created by another," in ˚vasavattin having power under control of another, N. of a class of Devas (see deva) D i.216 sq.; A i.210; It 94; Pug 51; DA i.114, 121; KhA 128; VvA 79. -- neyya to be led by another, under another's rule Sn 907 Nd1 321 (=parapattiya parapaccaya). -- (n)tapa worrying or molesting another person (opp. attantapa) D iii.232; M i.341, 411; ii.159; Pug 56. -- paccaya resting, relying, or dependent on someone else Nd1 321; usually neg. a˚ independent of another Vin i.12, 181 and passim. -- pattiya=prec. Nd1 321. -- pāṇa other living beings Sn 220. -- puggala other people D iii.108. -- putta somebody else's son A iv.169; Sn 43. -- pessa serving others, being a servant Sn 615 (=paresaŋ veyyāvacca SnA 466). -- pessiyā a female servant or messenger, lit. to be sent by others J iii.413 (=parehi pesitabbā pesanakārikā C.). -- ppavāda [cp. BSk. parapravādin "false teacher" Divy 202] disputation with another, challenge, opposition in teaching (appld to Non -- Buddhistic systems) S v.261; A ii.238; Miln 170, 175. -- bhāga outer part, precinct part beyond PvA 24. -- bhuta [Sk. parabhṛta] the Indian cuckoo (lit. brought up by another) J v.416 (so read for parābhūta). -- bhojana food given by others Sn 366 (=parehi dinnaŋ saddhādeyyaŋ SnA 364). -- loka [cpd. either with para 1. or para 2. It is hardly justified to assume a metaphysical sense, or to take para as temporal in the sense of paraŋ (cp. paraŋmaraṇā after death), i. e. the future world or the world to come] the other world, the world beyond (opp. ayaŋ lokothis world or idhaloka the world here, see on term Stede, Peta Vatthu p. 29 sq.) D i.27, 58, 187; ii.319; S i.72, 138; Sn 579, 666, 1117; Nd1 60; Nd2 214 (v. l. for paloka in anicca -- passage) 410 (=manussalokaŋ ṭhapetvā sabbo paraloko); Ps i.121; Vv 845 (=narakaŋ hi sattānaŋ ekantânatthatāya parabhūto paṭisattubhūto loko ti visesato paraloko ti VvA 335); PvA 5, 60 (=pettivisaya parattha), 64, 107, 253 (idhalokato p. natthi); SnA 478 (=parattha); Sdhp 316, 326, 327. -- vambhitā contempt of others M i.19 (a˚). -- vambhin contempting others M i.19, 527. -- vasatta power (over others) Dāvs iv.19. -- vāda (1) 

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,

他  (1) Other; the other (thing); (para). (2) (An) other person (para-puruṣa). (3) In Chan language, the person besides the one is talking to--the third person: he, she. (4) Used for transliterating the Sanskrit tha sound.



dam pa

[translation-san] {LCh,C} vara

[translation-san] {C} pravara

[translation-san] {C} uttama

[translation-san] {LCh,C,MSA,MV} parama

[translation-san] {MSA} para

[translation-san] {MSA} paramata

[translation-san] {C} agra

[translation-san] {C} śreṣṭha

[translation-san] {C} sat

[translation-san] {C} sāra (=pradhāna)

[translation-san] {C} pradhāna

[translation-eng] {Hopkins} excellent; the ultimate; highest

[translation-eng] {C} highest; best; supreme; unsurpassed; utmost; finest; very fine; excellent; highly; exceedingly; completely; foremost; most; farthest; most excellent; top; beginning; boon; choicest; supreme; a person of authority core; substance; of substantial excellence; good

Jeffrey Hopkins' Tibetan-Sanskrit-English Dictionary
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