(Sanskrit). An atom, being the smallest unit of matter posited in Buddhism and defined as a speck of matter which is partless and indivisible. Standard Abhidharma doctrines hold that each paramāṇu is a composite of various dharmas or their ‘seeds’, but this view was criticized by Mahāyāna followers of Yogācāra and Madhyamaka who maintained that such atoms were conceptual fictions as their existence was logically incoherent.
paramāṇu: 'The extremely fine', an atom, The MVŚ defines it thus: “A paramāṇu is the smallest rūpa. It cannot be cut, broken, penetrated. … It is neither long nor short, … . It has no smaller parts; it cannot be decomposed, … . It is … the finest (sarva-sūkṣma) of all rupa-s." Paramāṇu is divisible as dravya-paramāṇu and saṃghāta-paramāṇu.
rdul phra rab
[translation-san] {LCh,C} paramāṇu
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} subtle particle; minute particle; atom
[translation-eng] {C} atom
rdul phran
[translation-san] paramāṇu
[translation-eng] {GD:126} atom