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Dictionary Definition :
Parihāra [fr. pari+hṛ, cp. pariharati] 1. attention, care (esp. -- ˚), in cpds. like gabbha˚ care of the foetus DhA i.4; dāraka˚ care of the infant J ii.20; kumāra˚looking after the prince J i.148, ii.48; DhA i.346; dup˚ hard to protect J i.437; Vism 95 (Majjhimo d. hard to study?) -- 2. honour, privilege, dignity Vin i.71; Jiv.306 (gārava˚). -- 3. surrounding (lit.), circuit of land J iv.461. -- 4. surrounding (fig.), attack; in cpd. visama˚ being attacked by adversities A ii.87; Nd2 304ic; Miln 112, 135. -- 5. avoidance, keeping away from J i.186.
   -- patha "circle road," i. e. (1) a roundabout way DhA ii.192. (2) encircling game D i.6=Vin ii.10 (expld as "bhūmiyaŋ nānāpathaŋ maṇḍalaŋ katvā tattha pariharitabbaŋ pariharantānaŋ kīḷanaŋ" DA i.85; trsld as "keeping going over diagrams" Dial. i.10, with remark "a kind of primitive hop -- scotch").
Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,