Passaddhi (f.) [fr. pa+śrambh] calmness, tranquillity, repose, serenity M iii.86; S ii.30; iv.78; v.66; A iv.455 sq.; Ps ii.244; Dhs 40 (kāya˚), 41 (citta˚), cp.Dhs. trsl. 23; Vism 129; VbhA 314 (kāya˚, citta˚); DhsA 150 (=samassāsa -- ppatta). Often combd with pāmujja & pīti, e. g. D i.72, 73, 196; Nett 29, 66. Six passaddhis at S iv.217 (with ref. to vācā, vitakka -- vicārā, pīti, assāsa -- passāsā, saññā -- vedanā, rāga -- dosa -- moha, through the 4 jhānas etc.). Passaddhi is one of the 7 sambojjhangas (constituents of enlightenment): see this & cp. M iii.86; Vism 130, 134=VbhA 282 (where 7 conditions of this state are enumd).