Paṭi (indecl.) [Ved, prati, to Idg. *preti as in Lat. pretium (fr. *pretios)" price" (cp. precious), i. e. equiva- lent; Gr. pre/s (aeol.), proti/, pro/s against] directional prefix in well -- defined meaning of "back (to), against, towards, in opposition to, opposite." As preposition (with acc. and usually postponed) towards, near by, at; usually spelt pati (cp. sampati & sampaṭika) Sn 291 (?), 425 (Nerañjaram (pati); Th 1, 628 (suriyass' uggamanam p.); 2, 258 (abhiyobbanam p.), 306 (Nerañjaram p.); J