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Paṭi (indecl.) [Ved, prati, to Idg. *preti as in Lat. pretium (fr. *pretios)" price" (cp. precious), i. e. equiva- lent; Gr. pre/s (aeol.), proti/, pro/s against] directional prefix in well -- defined meaning of "back (to), against, towards, in opposition to, opposite." As preposition (with acc. and usually postponed) towards, near by, at; usually spelt pati (cp. sampati & sampaṭika) Sn 291 (?), 425 (Nerañjaram (pati); Th 1, 628 (suriyass' uggamanam p.); 2, 258 (abhiyobbanam p.), 306 (Nerañjaram p.); J i.457 (paṭi suriyaŋ thatvā standing facing the sun); iv.93; vi.491; Pv ii.941 (suriy' uggamanam p.); Miln 116 (dānam p.); PvA 154 (paṭi Gangaŋ against the G.). -- Most freq. combns are: paṭi+ā (patiyā˚), patisaŋ˚; vi+paṭi˚, sampaṭi˚. The composition (assimilation -- ) form before vowels is pacc˚ (b. v.). -- Meanings. I. (lit.) "back," in the sense of: (1) against, in opposition (opp. anu, see below III.), contrary: viz. (a) often with the implication of a hostile attack (anti -- . against): ˚kaṇṭaka, ˚kosati (re -- ject), ˚kūla, ˚khipati (re -- fuse, op -- pose), ˚gha, ˚codeti (re -- prove), thambhati, ˚disā, ˚deseti, ˚pakkha, ˚patha, ˚piŋsati, ˚pīḷita, ˚magga, ˚manteti, ˚yodha (at -- tack), ˚vacana (re -- ply), ˚vadati, ˚vedeti, ˚sattu (enemy), ˚suṇāti, ˚hata; -- (b) warding off, protecting against (counter -- , anti -- ): ˚kara (antidote), ˚sedhati (ward -- off). -- (c) putting against, setting off in a comparison (counter -- , rival): ˚puggala (one's equal), ˚purisa (rival), ˚bala (adequate), ˚bimba (counterpart), ˚bhāga (id.); ˚malla (rival wrestler), ˚sama, ˚sāsana, ˚sūra, ˚seṭṭha; -- (d) close contact (against, be -- ): ˚kujjita (covered), ˚gādha, ˚channa ("be -- deckt") ˚vijjhana. -- (2) in return, in exchange (in revenge) ˚akkosati, ˚āneti, ˚katheti, ˚karoti, ˚kūṭa1, ˚kkamati, ˚khamāpeti, ˚gāti (sing in response), ˚gīta, ˚daṇḍa (retribution), ˚dadāti, ˚dāna, ˚nivāsana, ˚paṇṇa (in reply), ˚pasaŋsati, ˚piṇḍa, ˚pucchati (ask in return), ˚māreti (kill in revenge), ˚bhaṇḍa (goods in exchange), ˚bhaṇḍati (abuse in return) ˚rodana, ˚roseti, ˚vera (revenge), ˚sammodeti, ˚sātheyya. -- (3) (temporal) again, a second time (re -- ): ˚dasseti (re -- appear), ˚nijjhatta, ˚nivattati, ˚pavesati, ˚pākatika (re -- stored), ˚bujjhati, ˚vinicchinati, ˚sañjīvita (re -- suscitated), ˚sandhi (re -- incarnation), ˚sammajjati. -- (4) away from, back to (esp. in compn paṭivi˚): ˚kuṭati (shrink back), ˚ghāta (repulsion), ˚dhāvati, ˚neti, ˚paṇāmeti (send away), ˚bandhati (hold back), ˚bāhati (id.), ˚vijacchati, ˚vineti, ˚vinodeti (drive out), ˚virata, ˚saŋharati, ˚sallīna, ˚sutta, ˚sumbhita. -- II. (applied, in reflexive sense): (1) to, on to, up to, towards, at -- : ˚oloketi (look at), ˚gijjha (hankering after) ˚ggaha, ˚jānāti ˚pūjeti, ˚peseti (send out to), ˚baddha (bound to), ˚bhaya, ˚yatta, ˚rūpa, ˚laddha, ˚labhati (at -- tain), ˚lābha ˚lobheti, ˚sāmeti, ˚sevati (go after), ˚ssata. (2) together (con -- , com -- ), esp. combd with ˚saŋ˚; ˚saŋyujati; ˚passaddha, ˚maṇḍita, ˚sankharoti, ˚santhāra. -- (3) asunder, apart ("up"): ˚kopeti (shake up), ˚viŋsa (part), ˚vibhatta (divided up). (4) secondary, complementary, by -- , sham (developed out of meaning I. 1 c.): ˚nāsikā (a false nose), ˚sīsaka (sham top knot); esp. freq. in redupl. (iterative) cpds., like anga -- paccanga (limb & by -- limb, i. e. all kinds of limbs), vata -- paṭivatta (duties & secondary duties, all duties). In the latter application paṭi resembles the use of ā, which is more frequent (see ā5). -- III. The opposite of pati in directional meaning is anu, with which it is freq. combd either (a) in neg. contrast or (b) in positive emphasis, e. g. (a) anuvātaŋ paṭivātaŋ with and against the wind; anuloma+paṭiloma with and against the grain; ˚sotaŋ w. & against the stream; (b) anumasati paṭimasati to touch cloesly (lit. up & down). -- Note. The spelling pati for paṭi occurs frequently without discrimination; it is established in the combn with st (as patiṭṭhāti, patiṭṭhita etc.). All cases are enumd under the respective form of paṭi˚, with the exception of patiṭṭh˚

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,