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Raŋsi & Rasmi [Vedic raśmi. The form raŋsi is the proper Pali form, originating fr. raśmi through metathesis like amhi for asmi, tamhā for tasmā etc. Cp. Geiger P.Gr. § 502. The form rasmi is a Sanskritism and later] a rein, a ray. -- 1. In meaning "rein" only as rasmi, viz. at M i.124; Dh 222; J i.57; iv.149. -- 2. In meaning "ray" both raŋsi and rasmi: (a) raŋsi (in poetry) Sn 1016 (vīta˚? perhaps pīta˚? See note in P.T.S. ed.); Vv 535 (pl. raŋsī=rasmiyo VvA 236); 6327 (sahassa˚ having a thousand rays;=suriya VvA 268); Sdhp 124. Also in cpd. raŋsi -- jāla a blaze of rays J i.89; PvA 154; VvA 12 (˚sammujjala), 14 (id.), 166 (id.). -- (b) rasmi (in prose, late) DhA i.27 (˚ŋ vissajjesi); DhsA 13 (nīla -- rasmiyo); VvA 125 (candima -- suriya˚). Also in cpd. buddha -- rasmi the ray of enlightenment, the halo around a Buddha, consisting of 6 colours (chabbaṇṇa) J i.444, 501 (˚rasmiyo vissajjento); SnA 132; VvA 207, 234, 323; Mhbv 6, 15, 38.

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,