Dictionary Definition :
raṇ or ran (cf. √ram), cl. 1. 4. P. ráṇati, ráṇyati (2. du. raṇyáthaḥ RV. i, 112, 18
• pf. [r˘AraNa] RV.
• aor. arāṇiṣuḥ, raṇiṣṭana ib.), to rejoice, be pleased, take pleasure in (loc., rarely acc.) RV.
• to gladden, delight, gratify ib.: Caus. raṇḍyati, ○te, to cheer, gladden, exhilarate with (instr. or loc.) RV.
• to be at ease, be pleased or satisfied with, delight in (loc.) ib. TS. AV.: Intens. (Subj. rāráṇat, rārán
• Impv. rārandhi, rārantu) = Caus. (as well in the trans. as in the intrans. meanings) RV.
Sanskrit-English Dictionary, by M. Monier William