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Dictionary Definition :

rasa. Taste, flavour; the sense of taste. One of the six sensations.

A Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms, William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous

味 Taste, flavor.


rasa : [m.] taste; juice; flavour; quick-silver.

A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera, Concise Pali-English and English-Pali Dictionary [available as digital version from Metta Net, Sri Lanka]

Rasa1 [Vedic rasa; with Lat. ros "dew," Lith. rasā id., and Av Ranhā N. of a river, to Idg. *eres to flow, as in Sk. arṣati, Gr. a)/yorros (to r(e/w); also Sk. ṛṣabha: see usabha1. -- Dhtp 325 defines as "assādane" 629 as "assāda -- snehanesu"; Dhtm 451 as "assāde." -- The decl. is usually as regular a -- stem, but a secondary instr. fr. an s -- stem is to be found in rasasā by taste A ii.63; J iii.328] that which is connected with the sense of taste. The defn given at Vism 447 is as follows: "jivhā -- paṭihanana -- lakkhaṇo raso, jivhā -- viññāṇassa visaya -- bhāvo raso, tass' eva gocara -- paccupaṭṭhāno, mūla -- raso khandha -- raso ti ādinā nayena anekavidho," i. e. rasa is physiologically & psychologically peculiar to the tongue (sense -- object & sense -- perception), and also consists as a manifold object in extractions from roots, trunk etc. (see next). -- The conventional encyclopaedic defn of rasa at Nd1 240; Nd2 540, Dhs 629 gives taste according to: (a) the 6 -- fold objective source as mūla -- rasa, khandha˚, taca˚, patta˚, puppha˚, phala˚, or taste (i. e. juice, liquid) of root, trunk, bark, leaf, flower & fruit; and -- (b) the 12 -- fold subjective (physiological) sense -- perception as ambila, madhura, tittika, kaṭuka loṇika, khārika, lambila (Miln 56: ambila), kasāva; sādu, asādu, sīta, uṇha, or sour, sweet, bitter, pungent, salt, alkaline, sour, astringent; pleasant, unpleasant, cold & hot. Miln 56 has the foll.: ambila, lavaṇa, tittaka, kaṭuka, kasāya, madhura. -- 1. juice [as applied in the Veda to the Soma juice], e.g. in the foll. combns: ucchu˚of sugar cane, extract of sugar, cane syrup Vin i.246; VvA 180; patta˚ & puppha˚ of leaf & flower Vin i.246; madhura˚ of honey PvA 119. -- 2. taste as (objective) quality, the sense -- object of taste (cp. above defns). In the list of the āyatanas, or senses with their complementary sense -- objects (sentient and sensed) rasa occupies the 4th place, following upon gandha. It is stated that one tastes (or "senses") taste with the tongue (no reference to palate): jivhāya rasaŋ sāyitvā (or viññeyya). See also āyatana 3 and rūpa. -- M iii.55 (jivhā -- viññeyya r.), 267; D iii.244, 250; Sn 387; Dhs 609; PvA 50 (vaṇṇagandha -- rasa -- sampanna bhojana: see below 5). -- 3. sense of taste, as quality & personal accomplishment. Thus in the list of senses marking superiority (the 10 ādhipateyyas or ṭhāṇas), similar to rasa as special distinction of the Mahāpurisa (see cpd. ras -- agga) S iv.275 =Pv ii.958; A iv.242. -- 4. object or act of enjoyment, sensual stimulus, material enjoyment, pleasure (usually in pl.) Sn 65 (rasesu gedha, see materialistic exegesis at Nd2 540), 854 (rase na anugijjhati; perhaps better rasesu, as SnA); A iii.237 (puriso agga˚ -- parititto: perhaps to No. 2). -- 5. flavour and its substance (or substratum), e. g. soup VvA 243 (kakkaṭaka˚ crabsoup), cp. S v.149, where 8 soup flavours are given (ambila, tittaka, kaṭuka, madhura, khārika, akhārika, loṇika, aloṇika); Pv ii.115 (aneka -- rasa -- vyañjana "with exceptionally flavoured sauce"); J v.459, 465. gorasa "flavour of cow, i. e. produce of cow: see under go. Also metaphorically: "flavour, relish, pleasure": Sn 257 (pariveka˚, dhamma -- pīṭi˚, cp. SnA 299 "assād' aṭṭhena" i. e. tastiness); PvA 287 (vimutti˚ relish of salvation). So also asattha˚, dhamma˚, vimutti˚ Ps ii.89. -- 6. (in grammar & style) essential property, elegance, brightness; in dramatic art "sentiment" (flavour) (see Childers s. v. naṭya -- rasa) Miln 340 (with opamma and lakkhaṇa: perhaps to No. 7); PvA 122 (˚rasa as ending in Np. Angīrasa, expld as jutiyā adhivacanaŋ, " i. e. brightness, excellency). -- 7. at t. t. in philosophy "essential property" (Expos. 84), combd with lakkhaṇa etc. (cp. Cpd. 13, 213), either kicca˚ function orsampatti˚ property DhsA 63, 249; Vism 8, 448; Miln 148. -- 8. fine substance, semi -- solid semiliquid substance, extract, delicacy, fineness, dust. Thus inpaṭhavī˚ "essence of earth," humus S i.134 (trsln "taste of earth," rather abstract); or rasapaṭhavī earth as dust or in great fineness, "primitive earth" (before taking solid shape) D iii.86 sq. (trsl. "savoury earth," not quite clear), opp. to bhūmipappaṭaka; Vism 418; pabbata -- rasa mountain extract, rock -- substance J iii.55; suvaṇṇa˚ gold dust J i.93. <-> 9. (adj. -- ˚) tasting Vv 1611 (Amatarasā f.=nibbānarasāvinī VvA 85).
   -- agga finest quality (of taste), only in further compn with ˚aggita (ras -- agga -- s -- aggita) most delicate sense trsln Dial.) D iii.167, and ˚aggin (ras -- agga -- s -- aggin, cp. MVastu ii.306: rasa -- ras' âgrin) of the best quality (of taste, cp. above 2), said of the Mahāpurisa D ii.18= iii.144 (cp. trsln Dial. ii.15 "his taste is supremely acute"). The phrase & its wording are still a little doubtful. Childers gives etym. of rasaggas -- aggin as rasa -- ggas -- aggin, ggas representing gras to swallow (not otherwise found in Pāli!), and expls the BSk. ras'âgrin as a distortion of the P. form. -- añjana a sort of ointment (among 5 kinds), "vitriol" (Rh. D.) Vin i.203. -- âda enjoying the objects of taste M iii.168. -- āyatana the sphere of taste D iii.243, 290; Dhs 629, 653, 1195 (insert after gandha˚, see Dhs. trsl. 319). -- ārammaṇa object of taste Dhs 12, 147, 157. -- āsā craving for tastes Dhs 1059. -- garuka bent on enjoyment SnA 107.-- taṇhā thirst for taste, lust of sensual enjoyment D iii.244, 280; J v.293; Dhs 1059; DhA iv.196. -- saññā perception of tastes D iii.244 (where also ˚sañcetanā). -- haraṇī (f.) [ph. ˚haraṇiyo, in compn haraṇi˚] taste -- conductor, taste -- receiver; the salivary canals of the mouth or the nerves of sensation; these are in later literature given as numbering 7000, e. g. at J v.293 (khobhetvā phari); DhA i.134 (anuphari); KhA 51 (only as 7!); SnA 107 (paṭhama -- kabaḷe mukhe pakkhitta -- matte satta rasa -- haraṇi -- sahassāni amaten' eva phutāni ahesuŋ). Older passages are: Vin ii.137; D iii.167 (referring to the Mahāpurisa: "sampajjasā r -- haranī susaṇṭhitā," trsln: erect taste -- bearers planted well [in throat]).

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,

Rasa2 ( -- ˚) is a dial. form of ˚dasa ten, and occurs in Classic Pāli only in the numerals for 13 (terasa), 15 (paṇṇa -- rasa, pannarasa), 17 (sattarasa) & 18 (aṭṭhārasa, late). The Prk. has gone further: see Pischel, Prk. Gr. § 245.

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,

rasa: Taste.

Sarvastivada Abhidharma, Sanskrit-English Glossary, by Bhikkhu KL Dhammajoti

rása m. (ifc. f. ā) the sap or juice of plants, Juice of fruit, any liquid or fluid, the best or finest or prime part of anything, essence, marrow RV. &c. &c
• water, liquor, drink MBh. Kāv. &c
• juice of the sugar-cane, syrup Suśr.
• any mixture, draught, elixir, potion R. BhP.
• melted butter L.
• (with or scil. gavām) milk MBh.
• (with or scil. viṣasya) poison Daś. Rājat. [Page 869, Column 3]
• nectar L.
• soup, broth L.
• a constituent fluid or essential juice of the body, serum, (esp.) the primary juice called chyle (formed from the food and changed by the bile into blood) ib.
• mercury, quicksilver (sometimes regarded as a kind of quintessence of the human body, else where as the seminal fluid of Śiva) Sarvad.
• semen virile RV. i, 105, 2
• myrrh L.
• any mineral or metallic salt Cat.
• a metal or mineral in a state of fusion (cf. upa-, mahā-r○)
• gold L.
• Vanguieria Spinosa L.
• a species of amaranth L.
• green onion L.
• resin L.
• = amṛta L.
• taste, flavour (as the principal quality of fluids, of which there are 6 original kinds, viz. madhura, sweet
• amla, sour
• lavaṇa, salt
• kaṭuka, pungent
• tikta, bitter
• and kaṣāya, astringent
• sometimes 63 varieties are distinguished, viz. beside the 6 original ones, 15 mixtures of 2, 20 of 3, 15 of 4, 6 of 5, and 1 of 6 flavours) ŚBr. &c. &c
• N. of the number 'six' VarBṛS. Śrutab.
• any object of taste, condiment, sauce, spice, seasoning MBh. Kāv. &c
• the tongue (as the organ of taste) BhP.
• taste or inclination or fondness for (loc. with or scil. upari, or comp.), love, affection, desire MBh. Kāv. &c
• charm pleasure, delight ib.
• (in rhet.) the taste or character of a work, the feeling or sentiment prevailing in it (from 8 to 10 Rasas are generally enumerated, viz. śṛṅgāra, love
• viira, heroism
• bībhatsa, disgust
• raudra, anger or fury
• hāsya, mirth
• bhayānaka, terror
• karuṇa, pity
• adbhuta, wonder
• śānta, tranquillity or contentment
• vātsalya, paternal fondness
• the last or last two are sometimes omitted
• under. bhāva) Bhar. Daśar. Kāvyâd. &c
• the prevailing sentiment in human character Uttarar. Rājat.
• (with Vaishṇavas) disposition of the heart or mind, religious sentiment (there are 5 Rasas or Ratis forming the 5 degrees of bhakti, q.v., viz. śānti, dāsya, sākhya, vātsalya, and mādhurya) W.
• a kind of metre Piṅg.
• N. of the sacred syllable, 'Om, 'cf. ŚāṅkhGṛ
• the son of a Nishāda and a Śanakī L.
• (ā), f. s.v

Sanskrit-English Dictionary, by M. Monier William
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