rāsi : [m.] a heap; quantity.
Rāsi [Vedic r̄āśi] 1. heap, quantity, mass It 17; usually -- ˚, e. g. angāra˚ heap of cinders J i.107; kaṇikārapuppha˚ of k. flowers VvA 65; kahāpaṇa˚ of money PvA 162, tila˚ of seeds VvA 54; dhañña˚ of corn A iv.163, 170; etc. -- rāsiŋ karoti to make a heap, to pile up Mhvs 29, 28; VvA 157. -- 2. (store of) wealth, riches; in ˚agga -- dāna gift of the best treasures (of one's property), one of the 5 "donations of the best," viz. khett˚, rās˚, koṭṭh˚, kumbhi˚, bhojan˚: SnA 270. See also ˚vaḍḍhaka -- 3. a sign of the Zodiac (the 12, as given at Abhp 61 are: mesa, usabha, methuna, kakkata, sīha, kaññā, tulā, vicchikā, dhanu, makara, kumbha, mīna; or the ram, bull, twins, crab, lion, virgin, balance, scorpion bow, capricorn, waterpot, fish) PvA 198. -- 4. (fig.) at t. t. in logic: group, aggregate, category, congery; freq. in Abhidhamma -- literature, where 3 "accumulations" are spoken of, viz. micchatta -- niyato rāsi, sammatta -- niyato r., anivato r. or "wrong doing entailing immutable evil results, that of well -- doing entailing immutable good results, and that of everything not so determined" (Dialogues iii.210); D iii.217; Kvu 611; Nett 96; cp. Kvu trsl. 356Dhs trsl. 26, 253. In the 5 factors of individuality (body and mind) khandhā are explained as meaning rāsi, e. g. Asl. 141; B. Psy. 42. In other connections: Sv.146 (kusala˚, akusala˚), 186; A iii.65 (akusala˚); Tikp 45. -- Note. In BSk. we find only 2 of the 3 categories mentioned at MVastu i.175, viz. mithyātvaniyato & aniyato rāśih.
-- vaḍḍhaka one who increases wealth, i. e. a treasurer D i.61 (trsln: "increases the king's wealth"; DA i.170 simply defines "dhañña -- rāsiñ ca dhana -- rāsiñ ca vaḍḍhetī ti r. v."); J i.2; Mhbv 78.