Sacrament. From the Latin sacramentum, "oath," a misleading rendering of the Greek mystērion, "mystery." A sacrament is defined by St. Thomas as "the sign of a sacred thing in so far as it sanctifies men" and in the English Book of Common Prayer as "an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace. The Eucharist is the Christian sacrament par excellence and constitutes the day-to-day sacramental life of the Church. Baptism, as a sacrament, has also a unique place, since it is the means of initiation into the Church as the Body of Christ. Other rites, however, including marriage and ordination, are recognized as having a sacramental character. In Catholic theology certain accessories used in the sacramental life of the Church (such as vestments, altar lights, holy water, ashes, and oil) and pious practices (such as grace at meals) are sometimes called "sacramentals." Traditionally, in both East and West, Catholic usage has recognized seven sacraments: Baptism, Confirmation, the Eucharist, Penance (Confession), Extreme Unction, Holy Orders, and Holy Matrimony.
sacrament : (nt.) parittāṅa. (f.) sāmayika-pārisuddhi.
rtogs pa
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[translation-san] {LCh,MSA,MV,C} adhigama
[translation-san] {MSA} abhigamana
[translation-san] {C} budhyati
[translation-san] {C} buddha
[translation-san] {MSA,C} avabodha
[translation-san] {C} avabodhana
[translation-san] {C} pratibodha
[translation-san] {MSA} boddhṛ
[translation-san] {MSA} bodha
[translation-san] {MSA} vibodha
[translation-san] {MV} anubudhyana
[translation-san] {MV} anubodha
[translation-san] {MV} praveśa
[translation-san] {C} pratiparsīran
[translation-san] {C,MSA} pratividdha
[translation-san] {MSA} prativedha
[translation-san] {C} pratividhyati
[translation-san] {C,MSA} prativedha
[translation-san] {C} pratisaṃvidhyati
[translation-san] {C,MSA} samaya
[translation-san] {nir √īkṣ} : {MSA}nirīkṣate
[translation-san] {L} parikṣā
[translation-san] {L} prajñā
[translation-san] {MSA} pratipatti
[translation-san] pratipad, adhigama
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} realize; cognize; understand; realization
[translation-eng] {C} obtained; understood; able to make progress; penetrated to; penetrates to; penetration; time; epoch; re-union; sacrament; understanding; recognition; wake up to; reach understanding; investigation; wisdom; insight