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六神通 The six supernatural powers possessed by a buddha (ṣaḍ abhijñāḥ), which are six kinds of unimpededness. They are (1) unimpeded bodily action (神境通,身通, 身如意通, 神足通). (2) The power of divine vision 天眼通, wherein they can observe the full course of passage by sentient beings through the six destinies. (3) the power of divine vision 天耳通, with which they are able to hear all the words of suffering and joy experienced by living beings in the six destinies. (4) the power of awareness of the minds of others 他心通, whereby they know the thoughts of all the beings who pass through the six destinies; (5) the power of the knowledge of previous lifetimes 宿命通,宿住通, whereby they know the events of countless kalpas of previous lifetimes experienced by themselves, as well as all the beings in the six destinies; (6) the power of the extinction of contamination 漏盡通, whereby they completely extinguish all the afflictions of the three realms, and thus are no longer subject to rebirth in the three realms. Also written as 六通. The second, fifth and sixth are called the three kinds of wisdom 三明.

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