A Commentary on the Vinaya Pitaka written by Buddhaghosa Thera (Gv.59).
It was written at the request of Buddhasiri and was based on the Mahāpaccariya and the Kurundī Atthakathā.
See also Sāratthadīpanī. Sp.i.2.; the reason for the name is given at Sp.i.201.
1. Samantapāsādika. Thirty three kappas ago there were thirteen kings of this name, previous births of Tipupphiya Thera. Ap.i.136.
2. Samantapāsādika. Seventy eight kappas ago there were sixteen kings of this name, previous births of Hatthidāyaka Thera. Ap.i.208.
Commentary on the Vinaya Piṭaka of the Pāli Canon compiled by Buddhaghoṣa in the 5th century at the request of Buddhasirī. It is prefixed by an introduction, the Bāhira-nidāna, relating the history of Buddhism up to the establishment of the Vinaya Piṭaka in Sri Lanka. It is based on the Mahāpaccarī and the Kurundī-aṭṭhakathā, two older commentaries.