Dictionary Definition :
sam-√āp P. -āpnoti, to acquire or obtain completely, gain AV. MBh. &c
• to accomplish, fulfil ŚBr. KātyŚr
• to reach AV.: Caus. āpayati, to cause to gain or obtain completely ŚBr
• to bring to an end, finish, complete, conclude Mn. MBh. &c
• to put an end to, put to death, destroy (with or scil. atmānam 'one's self') Āpast. Kathās. BhP.: Desid. of Cats. -āpipayithati, to wish or try to accomplish ŚBr.: Desid. -ipsati, to wish to obtain or reach or accomplish, wish for, desire ib
Sanskrit-English Dictionary, by M. Monier William
samāpa , samapacchid , samāpad , samapada , samāpādana , samanyu , sāmānyavat , sāmānyavanitā , sāmānyavacana , sāmānyatva