sambādha : [m.] pressure; crowding; inconvenience.
sambādha [cp. sk. sambādha] 1. crowding, pressure, in- convenience from crowding, obstruction vism 119. janasambādharahita free from crowding miln 409; kiṭṭhasambādha crowding of corn, the time when the corn is growing thick m i.115; j i.143, 388. -- yassa sambādho bhavissati he who finds it too crowded vin iv.43; asambādha unobstructed sn 150; atisambādhatā (q. v.) the state of being too narrow j i.7; puttadārasambādhasayana a bed encumbered with child and wife miln 243; cp. s i.78; (in fig. sense) difficulty, trouble s i.7, 48; j iv.488; sambādhapaṭipanna of the eclipsed moon s i.50. as adjective "crowded, dense" sambādho gharavāso life in the family is confined, i. e. a narrow life, full of hindrances d i.63, 250; s ii.219; v.350; da i.180; s. magga a crowded path j i.104; nijana˚ vana vism 342; s. vyūha s v.369. -- atisambādha too confined dha i.310 (cakkavāḷa). -- compar. sambādhatara s v.350; asambādhaŋ comfortably j i.80. <-> 2. pudendum masculinum vin i.216; ii.134; pudendum muliebre vin iv.259; sn 609; sambādhaṭṭhāna (nt.) pudendum muliebre j i.61; iv.260.
sam-bādhá m. a throng, crowd
• contracted space (ifc. [f. ā] = 'crowded with', 'full of', 'abounding with') MBh. Kāv. &c
• the female organ of generation Vām. ii, 1, 17
• pressure, affliction, distress, annoy RV. AV. MBh
• the road to Naraka or hell L
• mf(ā)n. contracted, narrow Suśr
• crammed with, full of (instr.) Śiś
• -tandrī́ f. pl. affliction and exhaustion AV
• -vartin or (v. l.) -vartman mfn. (pl.) moving in dense crowds, jostling or crowding together on a road Ragh