saṃ-cārin mfn. going together or about, going hither and thither, roaming, wandering, moving in (loc. or comp.) Kāv. Rājat. Kathās. Inscr
• going or passing from one to another, transmitted, infectious, contagious, hereditary (as a disease) Yājñ. Rājat
• ascending and descending (applied to a note or tone) Saṃgīt
• penetrating into (comp.) Mcar
• coming together, meeting, in contact with, adjacent or contiguous to (instr.) Kād
• taken or carried together with one (as an umbrella &c.) Rājat
• carrying with one (comp.) Kām
• being in (comp.) Suśr. Mṛicch
• engaged in, occupied with (comp.) Pañcar
• passing away, transitory, adventitious, unsteady, inconstant, fickle (= vy-abhicārin, q.v.) Śiś. Sāh
• influencing, impelling, setting in motion MaitrUp
• difficult, inaccessible W
• m. incense or the smoke rising from burnt incense L
• air, wind L
• (iṇī), f. a kind of Mimosa (= haṃsa-padi) L
• -tva n. transitoriness, inconstancy (of feeling) Sāh