saṃ-ghātá m. (rarely n
• ifc. f. ā) striking or dashing together, killing, crushing MBh. Suśr
• closing (of a door &c.) VS. TBr
• combat, war, bittle VS. Kāṭh. MBh
• compressing, condensation, compactness, hardening Yājñ. Hariv. Suśr. VarBṛS
• close union or combination, collection, cluster, heap, mass, multitude TS. MBh. &c
• a company of fellow-travellers, caravan VP
• a collection of mucus, phlegm (cf. saṃghāṇaka) L
• a bone L
• any aggregate of matter, body Bhag. Pur
• intensity R. Suśr
• a poem composed in one and the same metre Kāvyâd
• (in gram.) a compound as a compact whole (opp. to its single parts) Kāś. on Pāṇ. 2-3, 56
• a vowel with its consonant (opp. to varṇa, 'a letter'), Kāṭy
• (in dram.) a partic. gait or mode of walking W
• N. of a division of the infernal regions (cf. saṃhāta) Yājñ. Buddh
• -kaṭhina mfn. hard or firm or solid from compactness Kum
• -cārin mfn. living in herds, gregarious Suśr
• -ja mfn. produced by a complicated derangement of the three humours (= saṃnipātika) Bhpr
• -pattrikā f. Anethum Sowa L
• -parvata m. N. of two mountains in hell (which open and then close) Jātakam
• -vat mfn. having close union, closely compacted, dense Kām
• -vihārin (?), m. N. of Buddha Divyâv
• -śūla-vat mfn. suffering pain from bodily oppression Suśr
'dus pa
- 'du
- 'du/'dud
- 'dus
- 'dus
[translation-san] {N} saṅghāta
[translation-san] {C} saṃnipatita
[translation-san] {C} saṃnipāta
[translation-san] {C} sānnipātika
[translation-san] {C} akṣara-saṃnipāta
[translation-san] {C} ekakṣaṇa-saṃnipāta
[translation-san] {C} antar-gata
[translation-san] {MV} antar-bhāva
[translation-san] {C} samasta
[translation-san] saṃghāta {GD:126}
[translation-san] saṃhata
[translation-san] saṃghata
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} included; assembled; collected; aggregation; composite
[translation-eng] {C} brought together; come together; present; assembly; group; disorder of the humours; collection; congregation; laid out in letters; incidence; inherent; arising from a disorder of the humours; contained
[comments] compare: tshog pa (collection) and bsags pa (composite)