Dictionary Definition :
saṃ-√ghaṭṭ Ā. -ghaṭṭate, to strike or clasp or rub together, knead, crush to pieces, bruise R.: Caus. -ghaṭṭayati (ind. p. -ghaṭṭayya), to cause to rub against (instr.) Ragh
• to stir AgP
• to strike against, touch MBh
• to cause to sound by striking R
• to bring together, collect, assemble MBh. Rājat
• to meet, encounter Naish
Sanskrit-English Dictionary, by M. Monier William
saṃghaṭṭa , saṃghaṭṭana , saṃghaṭṭin , saṃghaṭṭita , saṃghātya , saṃghatitha , saṃghaṭita , sāṃghāṭikā , saṃghāṭi , saṃghātana