Dictionary Definition :
saṃ-√ghṛṣ P. -gharṣati, to rub together or against each other, contend or vie with (instr.) MBh. Ragh.: Pass. -ghṛṣyate, to be rubbed or wetted (as a sword) Subh
• (pr. p. -ghṛṣyat), to be brought or come into collision, vie or rival with (also with paras-param) MBh
Sanskrit-English Dictionary, by M. Monier William
saṃghṛṣṭa , saṃghuṣita , saṃghuṣṭa , saṃghuṣṭaka , saṃgin , saṃghrā , saṃghoṣiṇī , saṃghoṣa , sāṃghika , saṃghībhū