1. Sangha. An astrologer (samvacckarikanāyaka) who predicted the destiny of Kitti (afterwards Vijayabāhu I.). It was this prediction which made Buddharāja support Kitti. Cv.lvii.48.
2. Sangha. Father of Sūranimmila; he was the father of seven sons and lived in Khandavitthika. Mhv.xxiii.19.
3. Sangha. An upāsaka who will wait on Metteyya Buddha (Anāgat. vs. 61) and be his chief lay patron. Ibid., 98.
4. Sangha. A minister of Dutthagāmanī. He gave alms, in circumstances that won applause from the deity of the king's parasol, to Mahānāga Thera of Kotagallapabbata, to a monk of Timbarugāma, and to another of Devagirivihāra and Cetiyapabbata. The king sent for him and made him Treasurer. It is probably this same Sangha that is mentioned in the Extended Mahāvamsa (xxxii.246) as destined to become the chief patron of Matteyya Budda. His wife was Sanghadattā (q.v.). Ras.ii.75f, 180.
5. Sangha. A minister of Kākavannatissa; his brother was Cullasangha and his daughter Kiñcisanghā. When the latter was taught cooking, the first meal she made was given to the monks. Thus she came to be called Sanghupatthāyikā. Later, she was abandoned by her parents at Nigrodhasālakhanda, but she was rescued by Sakka in the guise of a youth. She gave alms to a monk of Cittalapabbāta when she had been starving for seven days, and also gave her only garment, herself wearing leaves. The king heard of this from the deity of his parasol, and, having sent for her, gave her in marriage to one of his sons. Ras.ii.45f.
Sangha [fr. saŋ+hṛ; lit. "comprising." The quâsi pop. etym. at VvA 233 is "diṭṭhi -- sīla -- sāmaññena sanghāṭabhāvena sangha"] 1. multitude, assemblage Miln 403 (kāka˚); J i.52 (sakuṇa˚); Sn 589 (ñāti˚); 680 (deva˚); D iii.23 (miga˚); Vv 55 (accharā˚=samūha VvA 37). bhikkhu˚ an assembly of Buddhist priests A i.56, etc.; D i.1, etc.; S i.236; Sum i.230, 280; Vin i.16; ii.147; bhikkhunī˚ an assembly of nuns S v.360; Vin i.140; sāvaka˚ an assembly of disciples A i.208; D ii.93; S i.220; PvA 195, etc.; samaṇa˚ an assembly of ascetics Sn 550. -- 2. the Order, the priesthood, the clergy, the Buddhist church A i.68, 123, etc.; D i.2, etc.; iii.102, 126, 193, 246; S iv.270 sq.; Sn 227, etc.; J ii.147, etc.; Dhs 1004; It 11, 12, 88; Vin i.102, 326; ii.164, etc. <-> 3. a larger assemblage, a community A ii.55=Sv.400; M i.231 (cp. gaṇa). -- On the formula Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha see dhamma C 2.
-- ânussati meditation on the Order (a kammaṭṭhāna) D iii.250, 280; A i.30; J i.97. -- ārāma a residence for members of the Order J i.94; VbhA 13. -- kamma an act or ceremony performed by a chapter of bhikkhus assembled in solemn conclave Vin i.123 (cp. i.53, 143 & expln at S.B.E. xxii.7); iii.38 sq.; J i.341. -- gata gone into the sangha, joining the community M i.469. -- thera senior of the congregation Vin ii.212, 303. -- bhatta food given to the community of bhikkhus Vin i.58; ii.109, 212. -- bhinna schismatic Vin v.216. -- bheda causing dissension among the Order Vin i.150; ii.180 sq.; A ii.239 sq.; It 11; Tikp 167, 171; J vi.129; VbhA 425 sq. -- bhedaka causing dissension or divisions, schismatic Vin i.89, 136, 168; It 11. -- māmaka devoted to the Sangha DhA i.206. -- rāji [=rāji2] dissension in the Order Vin i.339; ii.203=VbhA 428; Vin iv.37.