1. Sankha. The Bodhisatta, born as a brahmin in Molinīnagara (Benares). See the Sankha Jātaka.
2. Sankha. The Bodhisatta, born as a setthi of Rājagaha. See the Asampadāna Jātaka.
3. Sankha. A future king, who will be the Cakka-vatti of Ketumatī at the time of the appearance of Metteyya Buddha in the world. He will raise up again the palace of King Mahāpanāda and live there. But later he will give it to the Order and become an arahant. D.iii.75f.; Anāgat. p. 42 (vs. 10).
According to the Commentary (DA.iii.856), he was one of two cane workers (nalakārā), father and son, who made a hut for a Pacceka Buddha. After death, both were born in heaven. The son became Mahāpanāda, and, later, Bhaddaji. The father is in the deva world and will be reborn as Sankha. Mahāpanāda's palace still remains un-destroyed, ready for his use.
4. Sankha. A Nāga king; a previous birth of Rāhula. SNA.i.341; but elsewhere (e.g., SA.iii.26) he is called Pālita. See Pālita.
5. Sankha. One of the treasure troves which arose from the earth for the use of the Bodhisatta in his last lay life. These appeared on the day of his birth. DA.i.284.
6. Sankha. The Bodhisatta born as a brahmin in Takkasilā. He was the father of Susīma. See the Sankha Jātaka (2).
7. Sankha. A general of Kittisirimegha; he lived in Badalatthalī. The king entrusted him with the celebrations in connection with the upanayana ceremony of Parakkamabāhu (afterwards Parakkamabāhu I.). When Parakkamabāhu returned to Badalatthalī in his tour of preparation, Sankha welcomed him and paid him all honour. But Parakkamabāhu proved treacherous and had him slain. Cv.lxiv.8f., 22f.; lxv.13f, 27f.
8. Sankha. A Singhalese general who maintained a stronghold in Gahgādoni in the Manimekhala district, while Māgha ruled in the capital. Cv.lxxxi.7f.
Sankha1 [cp. Vedic śankha; Gr. ko/gxos shell, measure of capacity, & ko/xlos; Lat. congius a measure] a shell, conch; mother -- of -- pearl; a chank, commonly used as a trumpet D i.79; ii.297=M i.58; A ii.117; iv.199; Vv 8110; J i.72; ii.110; vi.465, 580; Miln 21 (dhamma˚); DhA i.18. Combined with paṇava (small drum) Vism 408; J vi.21; or with bheri (large drum) Miln 21; Vism 408.
-- ûpama like a shell, i. e. white J v.396, cp. vi.572. -- kuṭṭhin a kind of leper; whose body becomes as white as mother -- of -- pearl DhA i.194, 195. -- thāla mother ofpearl, (shell -- ) plate Vism 126 (sudhota˚), 255. -- dhama a trumpeter D i.259=M ii.19; M ii.207=S iv.322. -- dhamaka a conch blower, trumpeter J i.284; vi.7. -- nābhi a kind of shell Vin i.203; ii.117. -- patta motherof -- pearl DhA i.387. -- muṇḍika the shell -- tonsure, a kind of torture M i.87; A i.47; ii.122. -- mutta mother -- ofpearl J v.380 (C expls as "shell -- jewel & pearl -- jewel"); vi.211, 230. -- likhita polished like mother -- of -- pearl; bright, perfect D i.63, 250; S ii.219; A v.204; Vin i.181; Pug 57; DA i.181; DhA iv.195. See also under likhita, & cp. Franke, Wiener Zeitschrift 1893, 357. -- vaṇṇa pearl -- white J iii.477; M i.58=A iii.324. -- sadda the sound of a chank A ii.186; Vism 408; Dhs 621. -- silā "shell -- stone," a precious stone, mother -- of -- pearl (?) Ud 54; J iv.85; Pv ii.64. Frequent in BSk., e. g. AvŚ i.184, 201, 205; Divy 291.
Sankha2 [etym.?] a water plant (combd with sevāla) Miln 35. See detail under paṇṇaka 2.