1. Santa. Aggasāvaka of Atthadassī Buddha. (J.i.39; Bu.xv.19). He was son of the king of Sucandaka, and Upasanta, son of the chaplain, was his friend. These two placed four very learned men at the four gates of the city to inform them of the arrival of any wise men. They announced the arrival of Atthadassī Buddha. Santa and Upasanta visited the Buddha and his monks, gave them meals for seven days, and listened to the Buddha's preaching. On the seventh day they became arahants, with ninety thousand others. BuA. p. 179.
2. Santa. Fifty seven kappas ago there were four kings of this name, previous births of Tissa Thera. ThagA.i.200; but see Ap.i.174, where he is called Bhavanimmita.
3. Santa. A general of Parakkamabāhu I. He is called Jitagiri, and was in charge of the Vihāravajjasāla ford. Cv.lxxv.25.
santa : [pp. of sammati] 1. calmed; peaceful; 2. tired; wearied. (adj.), existing. (m.), a virtuous man.
Santa1 [pp. of sammati1] calmed, tranquil, peaceful, pure D i.12; Vin i.4; S i.5; A ii.18; Sn 746; Pv iv.134 (=upasanta -- kilesa PvA 230); Miln 232, 409; Vism 155 (˚anga; opp. oḷārik'anga); DhA ii.13; iii.83. -- nt. peace, bliss, nibbāna S iv.370.
-- indriya one whose senses are tranquil A ii.38; Sn 144; Vin i.195; J i.506; -- kāya of calmed body Dh 378; DhA iv.114. -- dhamma peaceful condition, quietude J i.506; -- bhāva id. Miln 265. -- mānasa of tranquil mind Vin i.195; J i.506. -- vāsa peaceful state DhA iv.114. -- vutti living a peaceful life It 30, 121.
Santa2 [pp. of sammati2] tired, wearied, exhausted Dh 60; J i.498; Pv ii.936 (=parissama -- patta PvA 127)
santa m. = saṃha-tala L
• N. of a son of Satya MBh