sarūpa : [adj.] of the same form; having a form.
sarūpa (adj.) [sa2+rūpa] 1. of the same form a i.162; pug 56. -- 2. [sa3+rūpa] having a body a i.83.
○rūpa (sá-), mfn. having the same shape or form, uniform, similar, like, resembling (gen. or comp.) RV. &c. &c
• having the same sound identical in sound, consonant, Kavyâd
• having shape or form, embodied VP
• shapely formed, beautiful, handsome (prob.also wṛ. for su-r○) PañcavBr. Kāv
• m. a partic. mythical being Suparṇ
• (ā), f. N. of the wife of Bhūta and mother of innumerible Rudras BhP
• (○pa) -kṛt mfn. producing the same form or colour AV
• (○paṃ) -káraṇa mf(ī)n. id. ib
• -tā f. -tva n. identity of form, likeness, resemblance to (comp.) AitBr. MBh. Kām. &c
• assimilation to the deity (one of the four stages in the progress towards final emancipation) RTL. &c
• -vatsā f. a cow with a calf of the same colour GṛŚrS
• ○pôpamā, v. l. for samāna-rūp○ Kāvyâd