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Sīlavā Thera

He was the son of Bimbisāra (Thag.vss.608-19). His brother, Ajātasattu, wished to kill him, but failed, owing to Sīlavā's destiny. The Buddha, discerning all this, sent Moggallāna to fetch Sīlavā. The prince, seeing the Elder, descended from his elephant and did obeisance to the Buddha.

The Buddha preached to him, and he entered the Order, becoming an arahant. He lived in Kosala. Ajātasattu sent men to kill him; but Sīlavā taught them and converted them, and they, too, entered the Order. ThagA.i.536f.

Dictionary of Pali Proper Names, G P Malalasekera (1899-1973), which is available as printed version from
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