nyan thos kyi mi slob lam
[translation-san] śrāvaka-aśaikṣa-mārga
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} Hearer's path of no more learning
[definition-bod] mtshan nyid nyan thos kyi lam gyi bgrod pa mthar phyin pa'i mngon rtogs/
[definition-eng] Definition: a clear realizer of one who has completed the progress of a Hearer's path
[division-bod] dbye ba 1 spang bya gcig char ba'i dgra bcom pa'i mkhyen pa/ 2 spang bya rim gyis pa'i dgra bcom pa'i mkhyen pa/ dbang po'i dbye na/ 1 nyan thos dgra bcom pa dbang rnon/ 2 dbang rdul kyi mkhyen pa/
[division-eng] Divisions: (1) exalted knower of a Foe Destroyer who has simultaneous abandonment; (2) exalted knower of a Foe Destroyer who has gradual abandonment; Divisions by way of faculty: (1) exalted knowers of Hearer Foe Destroyers with sharp faculties; and (2) of those with dull faculties
- [bod] nyan thos kyi mthar phyin pa'i lam/ nyan thos dgra bcom pa'i rgyud kyi mkhyen pa/
[comments] Comment: This is one of the five paths of Hearers: path of accumulation (tshogs lam); path of preparation (sbyor lam); path of seeing (mthong lam); path of meditation (sgom lam); and path of no more learning (mi slob lam).