Dictionary Definition :
Śrāvastī (Sanskrit; Pāli, Sāvatthi). The capital of the ancient Indian state of Kośala, which was located at present-day Sāheṭh-Māheṭh by the river Rapti in Uttar Pradesh. Its location on important trade routes ensured its prosperity and political importance. The Buddha spent much of his later life in this city at the Jetavana park donated by the rich merchant Anāthapiṇḍika, and the Pūrvārāma which was constructed by the patroness Viśākhā. By the 7th century, when it was visited by Chinese pilgrims such as Hsüan-tsang, it was largely in ruins and its many vihāras deserted, although a small Buddhist presence seems to have been maintained there until the 12th century. The site was discovered and excavated in 1908.
A Dictionary of Buddhism, Oxford University Press, 2003, 2004 (which is available in electronic version from answer.com)
śrāvikā , śrayate , śrayet , sṛbh , sṛbinda , śravaṇīyā , śravaṇāya-gacchati , śravaṇāya-adhigacchati , śravaṇam , śrāvaṇaḥ