Dictionary Definition :
sthānaka m. N. of a man Rājat
• n. position, situation, rank, dignity MBh
• a place, spot Pañcat
• a city, town L
• attitude of the body (in shooting &c.) Hcar. Nalac
• a partic. point or situation in dramatic action, Vīkr. iv, 44/45 (others 'a kind of posture'
• but cf. patākā-sth○)
• a basin or trench dug for water at the √of a tree L
• a division or section (esp, ) of the Kāṭhaka (accord. to some 'a mode of recitation')
• froth or bubbles on spirits or wine (prob. for sthāsaka) L
Sanskrit-English Dictionary, by M. Monier William