sūtra middle way autonomy school
Dictionary Definition :
mdo sde spyod pa'i dbu ma rang brgyud pa
- spyad
- spyod
- spyad
- spyod
[translation-san] sautrāntika-svātantrika-mādhyamika
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} Sūtra Middle Way Autonomy School
Jeffrey Hopkins' Tibetan-Sanskrit-English Dictionary
sūtra of Brahma's Net , sūtra of Consecration , sūtra of forty-two chapters , sūtra of interpretable meaning , sūtra of Maitreya Correct Principles of Royal Rule , sūtra In Praise of the Pure Land , sūtra in forty-two sections , sūtra autonomy middle way school , sūtra abridged for Recitation , sūtra