suzuki shunryū
Dictionary Definition :
Suzuki Shunryū (1905-71)
A Japanese zen monk of the Sōtō school who came to the United States in 1958. Intending only a short stay at first, he decided to settle permanently in the San Francisco area where he founded the Zen Centre, which became a major force in the maturation of American Zen. In his teaching (collected in the short book Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind), Suzuki stressed ordinary life as the vehicle for expressing one's innate Buddha-nature, and did not emphasize (or even mention) enlightenment (bodhi; satori) as a goal.
A Dictionary of Buddhism, Oxford University Press, 2003, 2004 (which is available in electronic version from
suzuki, D. T. , sv-artha , sv-asti , sva , sva-ātmabhāva , suzuki shosan , suzerain , suyyati , suyyākuṇḍala , suyyābhidhāna