taccha : [adj.] true; real; (nt.) the truth.
Taccha1 [Vedic takṣan, cp. taṣṭṛ, to takṣati (see taccheti), Lat. textor, Gr. te/ktwn carpenter (cp. architect), te/xnh art] a carpenter, usually as ˚ka: otherwise only in cpd. ˚sūkara the carpenter -- pig (=a boar, so called from felling trees), title & hero of Jātaka No. 492 (iv.342 sq.). Cp. vaḍḍhakin.
Taccha2 (adj.) [Der. fr. tathā+ya=tath -- ya "as it is," Sk. tathya] true, real, justified, usually in combn w. bhūta. bhūta taccha tatha, D i.190 (paṭipadā: the only true & real path) S v.229 (dhamma; text has tathā, v. l. tathaŋ better); as bhūta t. dhammika (well founded and just) D i.230. bhūta+taccha: A ii.100=Pug 50; VvA 72. -- yathā tacchaŋ according to truth Sn 1096. which is interpreted by Nd2 270: tacchaŋ vuccati amataŋ Nibbānaŋ, etc. -- (nt.) taccha a truth Sn 327. -- ataccha false, unreal, unfounded; a lie, a falsehood D i.3 (abhūta+); VvA 72 (=musā).