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A Pacceka Buddha (M.iii.69; ApA.i.106), third among the five hundred sons of Padumavatī, all of whom became Pacceka Buddhas. Suppabuddha, a banker of Rājagaha, having seen the Pacceka Buddha on his way to a park, spoke insultingly to him, and, as a result, was born as a leper in this birth. (Ud.v.3; UdA.291; DhA. (ii.36) says Suppabuddha spat on the Pacceka Buddha).

The Samyutta Nikaya (i.92f; SA.i.126f; also J.iii.299f and MT.597) contains the story of a man who often met Tagarasikhī begging for alms. One day, being attracted by him, he asked his wife to give him a meal and went on his way. His wife prepared excellent food and gave it to Tagarasikhī. The husband met Tagarasikhī on his way back to the town, and seeing the excellence of the food, was displeased with his wife's generosity, thinking to himself that it were better that slaves and workmen should have eaten the food. As a result, he was born as a very rich setthi in Sāvatthi, but was never able to enjoy his wealth, and died intestate, all his possessions passing to the royal treasury.

The Dhammapada Commentary (iv.77f) calls him Aputtaka. It has been suggested (Bud. India, p.31) that the "Tagara" in Tagarasikhī was the name of a place, perhaps the modern Ter.

Dictionary of Pali Proper Names, G P Malalasekera (1899-1973), which is available as printed version from
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