Dictionary Definition :
The name of a clan in Ceylon. The name is totemistic.
This clan was among the tribes which accompanied the Bodhi-tree to Ceylon (Mhv.xix.2).
When Aggabodhi I, set up an image of Mahinda on the bank of the Mahindatata, the image was carried by the Taracchā. Cv.xlii.30; see Cv.Trs.i.29, n.2.
Dictionary of Pali Proper Names, G P Malalasekera (1899-1973), which is available as printed version from
taracchavāpi , tarahi , tārakā , tārakāgaṇa , tārakāpatha , tara bodhisattva , ṭāra , tārā , tar , tapussa sutta