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Dictionary Definition :

Tela.-One of the ambassadors sent by Devānampiyatissa to Asoka. v.l. Malla. MT.302.

Dictionary of Pali Proper Names, G P Malalasekera (1899-1973), which is available as printed version from

tela : [nt.] oil.

A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera, Concise Pali-English and English-Pali Dictionary [available as digital version from Metta Net, Sri Lanka]

Tela (nt.) [from tila] sesamum -- oil (prepared from tila seeds), oil in general (tela=tilatelādika DA i.93): used for drinking, anointing & burning purposes Vin i.205, 220, 245, etc.; A i.209, 278 (sappi vā t. vā); ii.122≈(tattena pi telena osiñcante; punishment of pouring over with boiling oil); J i.293; ii.104; Pv iv.148 (tiṇena telaŋ pi na tvaŋ adāsi: frequent as gift to mendicants); Pug 55; Dhs 646, 740, 815; PvA 80 (kaḷebarānaŋ vasā telañ ca: fat or oil in general). -- tila ˚ŋ pātukāma desire to drink tila -- wine VvA 54; pāka -- tela oil concoction VvA 68=DhA iii.311; J ii.397 (sata˚); iii.372 (sahassa˚ worth a thousand); v.376 (sata˚ worth a hundred); pādabbhañjana˚ oil for rubbing the feet VvA 44; sāsapa˚ (mustard seed & oil) PvA 198; sappi˚ (butter & oil) Sn 295; PvA 278 (also+madhu) as var. objects of grocery trade (dhañña).
   -- koṭṭhāgāra oil store DhA i.220; -- ghaṭa oil jar DA i.144; -- cāṭī an oil tank DhA i.220; -- dhūpita spiced or flavoured with oil (of a cake) Vv 435; -- nāḷi a reed used for keeping oil in, an oil tube Vism 99; DhA ii.193 (+udakatumba); -- pajjota an oil lamp Vin i.16= D i.85=A i.56=Sn p. 15; -- padīpa an oil lamp Vini.15; S iii.126; v.319; VvA 198; -- pāka an oil decoction, mixed with spirits, oil -- wine Vin i.205; -- pilotikā (pl.) rags soaked in oil DhA i.221; -- makkhanaanointing (the body) with oil Miln 11; -- miñjaka an oil -- cake PvA 51; -- vaṇijjā oil trade PvA 47; -- homa an oblation of oil D i.9.

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,
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