ten great disciples of śākyamuni buddha
Dictionary Definition :
They are:
- Mahākasyapa in Sanskrit, Mahākassapa in Pāli. 迦葉
first in ascetism. - Ānanda 阿難
first in having heard the words of Buddha. - Sariputra in Sanskrit, Sariputta in Pāli. 舍利弗
first in wisdom. - Subhūti 須菩提
first in expressing emptiness. - Purṇa 富樓那
first in explaining good law. - Maudgalyayāna in Sanskrit, Moggallana in Pāli. 目犍連
first in supernatural power. - Kātyāyana 迦旃延
first in preaching. - Aniruddha in Sanskrit, Anuruddha in Pāli. 阿那律
first in the sharpness of his divine eyes. - Upāli 優波離密
first in taking precepts. - Rahula 羅候羅
first in esoteric practices and in desire for instruction in the law.
Ten Great Disciples of Śākyamuni Buddha 十大弟子 They are: 1.Mahākaśyapa摩訶伽葉 first in ascetism. 2.ānanda阿難陀 first in having heard the words of Buddha. 3.Śāriputra舍利弗 first in wisdom. 4.Subhūti須菩提 first in expressing emptiness. 5.Pūrṇa富樓那 first in explaining good law. 6.Maudgalyayana目犍連 first in supernatural power. 7.Katyayana迦旃延 first in preaching. 8.Aniruddha阿那律 first in the sharpness of his divine eyes. 9.Upali優波離 first in taking precepts. 10.Rahula羅[目*候]羅 first in esoteric practices and in desire for instruction in the law.