ten pāramitā
Dictionary Definition :
十波羅蜜 The ten pāramitās, or perfections.
They are:
1. Perfection of giving 施波羅蜜 (dāna-pāramitā);
2. Perfection of morality 戒波羅蜜 (śīla-pāramitā);
3. Perfection of forbearance 忍波羅蜜 (kṣānti-pāramitā);
4. Perfection of effort 精進波羅蜜 (virya-pāramitā);
5. Perfection of meditation 禪波羅蜜 (dhyāna-pāramitā);
6. Perfection of wisdom (that discerns the inner principle of things) 般若波羅蜜 (prajñā-pāramitā);
7. Perfection of expedient means 方便波羅蜜 (upāya-pāramitā);
8. Perfection of the vow (to attain enlightenment) 願波羅蜜 (praṇidhāna-pāramitā) ;
9. Perfection of one's powers 力波羅蜜 (bala-pāramitā);
10. Perfection of omniscience 智波羅蜜 (jñāna-pāramitā).
Ten Pāramitā 十波羅蜜 【參照: Pāramitā】