thabs la mkhas pa'i las
Dictionary Definition :
thabs la mkhas pa'i las
[translation-san] {MSA} upāya-kauśalyasya karma
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} action of skill in means; karma of skill in means
Jeffrey Hopkins' Tibetan-Sanskrit-English Dictionary
thabs la mkhas pa'i pha rol tu phyin pa , thabs la mkhas pa'i rab tu dbye ba , thabs la mkhas pas sems can thams cad kyi spyod pa'i dbang gis theg pa'i mchog gis 'byung ba bstan pa rnams , thabs la rab tu slu ba , thabs la sbyor ba , thabs la mkhas pa , thabs kyi tshul , thabs kyi theg pa , thabs kyi rtogs rigs su gnas pa'i rjes thob ye shes , thabs kyi pha rol tu phyin pa