thal 'gyur yang dag
[translation-san] samyak-prasaṅga
[translation-san] samyukta-prasaṅga
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} correct consequence
[definition-bod] mtshan nyid rang nyid thal 'gyur yang dag tu song ba'i rgol ba yod pa yang yin/ rang nyid thal 'gyur yang dag tu song ba'i rgol bas/ rang nyid la lan don mthun mi thebs pa yang yin pa'i gzhi mthun par gyur pa'i thal ngag rnam dag tu dmigs pa/
[definition-eng] Def.:
[division-bod] dbye ba 1 sgrub byed 'phen pa thal 'gyur yang dag 2 sgrub byed mi 'phen pa'i thal 'gyur yang dag
[division-eng] Div.: (1) correct consequence that impels a proof; (2) correct consequence that does not impel a proof
[comments] one of the two types of consequences (thal 'gyur); the other is facsimile of a consequence (thal 'gyur ltar snang) Need English for definition {T}