tila : [nt.] the sesamum seed.
Tila (m. nt.) [Vedic tila m.] the sesame plant & its seed (usually the latter, out of which oil is prepared: see tela), Sesamum Indicum. Often combd with taṇḍula, e. g. A i.130=Pug 32; J i.67; iii.53. -- Vin i.212 (navātilā); A iv.108; Sn p. 126; J i.392; ii.352; Vism 489 (ucchu˚); DhA i.79; PvA 47 (tilāni pīḷetvā telavaṇijjaŋ karoti).
-- odana rice with sesame J iii.425; -- kakka sesame paste Vin i.205; -- tela ses. oil VvA 54 (˚ŋ pātukāma); DhA iii.29; Bdhd 105; -- piññāka tila seed -- cake, oilcake VvA 142; -- piṭṭha sesamum -- grinding, crushed s. seed Vin iv.341. -- muṭṭhi a handful of ses. J ii.278; -- rāsi a heap of t. seeds VvA 54; -- vāha a cartload of t. seeds A v.173=Sn p. 126; -- sangulikā a ses. cake DhA ii.75.