Dictionary Definition :
Tiṇṇa [pp. of tarati] one who has reached the other shore (always fig.) gone through, overcome, one who has attained Nibbāna. Ogha˚ gone through the great flood S i.3, 142; Sn 178, 823, 1082, 1101, 1145; D iii. 54; Sn 21 (+pāragata), 359 (+parinibbuta), 515, 545 (tiṇṇo tāres' imaŋ pajaŋ); It 123 (tiṇṇo tārayataŋ varo); Dh 195 ( -- sokapariddava); Nd2 282.
-- kathankatha (adj.) having overcome doubt, free from doubt Sn 17, 86, 367; -- vicikiccha=prec. Vin i.16; D i.110; ii.224, 229; Pug 68; DA i.211.
Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,
tinsel , tint , tinta , tintaka , tintasīsakola , tinkling , tinkle , tinker , tinimakkulagāma , tiṇha