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two baskets and three dharma wheels
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The masters of San-lun Sect classified the Buddha's teaching into Two Baskets and Three Teachings.

 The Two Baskets are:

  1. Sound-hearer Basket, i.e. Hīnayāna , such as Āgama.
  2. Bodhisattva Basket, i.e. Mahāyāna, such as Avataṃsaka Sūtra.

The Three Teachings are:

  1. Fundamental Dharma Wheel ( 根本法輪 ) -- just after the Enlightenment of the Buddha, he preached for the Bodhisattva, i.e. Avatamasaka Sūtra. It is the fundamental teaching of all Dharmas, thus the teaching of One Vehicle.
  2. Branch Dharma Wheel ( 枝末法輪 ) -- as it is difficult to understand the profound teaching of One Vehicle, Śākyamuni preached Āgama, Prajñā, Vaipulya teachings to his disciples. They are called branches as they are derived from the fundamental one.
  3. Conclusive Dharma Wheel ( 攝末歸本法輪 ) -- it refers to the preaching of the Lotus Sūtra, in which it declares that Three Vehicles converge to One Buddha Vehicle.
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