two baskets and three dharma wheels
Dictionary Definition :
The masters of San-lun Sect classified the Buddha's teaching into Two Baskets and Three Teachings.
The Two Baskets are:
- Sound-hearer Basket, i.e. Hīnayāna , such as Āgama.
- Bodhisattva Basket, i.e. Mahāyāna, such as Avataṃsaka Sūtra.
The Three Teachings are:
- Fundamental Dharma Wheel ( 根本法輪 ) -- just after the Enlightenment of the Buddha, he preached for the Bodhisattva, i.e. Avatamasaka Sūtra. It is the fundamental teaching of all Dharmas, thus the teaching of One Vehicle.
- Branch Dharma Wheel ( 枝末法輪 ) -- as it is difficult to understand the profound teaching of One Vehicle, Śākyamuni preached Āgama, Prajñā, Vaipulya teachings to his disciples. They are called branches as they are derived from the fundamental one.
- Conclusive Dharma Wheel ( 攝末歸本法輪 ) -- it refers to the preaching of the Lotus Sūtra, in which it declares that Three Vehicles converge to One Buddha Vehicle.