Tyāga. In Hindu thought, this Sanskrit term, which means literally "ignoring," is applied to the basic virtue of serene renunciation, implying ahiḿsā, nonviolence toward all living beings. It is contrasted with tapas, active ascetic practice. See Tapas.
- gtang
- gtong
- btang
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[translation-san] {ut √sṛj} : {MSA}utsṛjanti
[translation-san] {MSA} visṛjanti
[translation-san] visṛjana
[translation-san] {√kṣip}
[translation-san] tyakta
[translation-san] {MSA} utsṛjanti
[translation-san] {MSA} (√sraṃs): sraṃsayati{C}utsṛjati
[translation-san] {C} kṣipati
[translation-san] {C} nikṣipati (=pātayati)
[translation-san] {C} riñcati
[translation-san] {C} tyajati
[translation-san] {C} avasṛjati
[translation-san] {vi √sṛj}
[translation-san] {MV} tyāga
[translation-san] {ava √kṛ} : {MV}avakirati
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} give; treat; cast away; send; let go; give away; let loose; play [an instrument]
[translation-eng] {C} let drop; put/throw down; lays aside; emits; gives up; discharges; bestows; lets go; hurl; shoot; reject; cast away; throw; move into; part from; spurns
gtong ba
- gtang
- gtong
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[translation-san] {C,MSA} tyāga
[translation-san] {MSA} parityāga
[translation-san] {MSA} utsarga
[translation-san] utsṛjati
[translation-san] {L} hāna
[translation-san] {MSA} pratipādana
[translation-san] {C} dāyaka
[translation-san] {MSA} da
[translation-eng] {Hopkins} give; treat; cast away; send; let go; give away; let loose; play [an instrument]
[translation-eng] {C} renunciation; go to; dismiss; abandon; let have; let in; admit; failure; decrease; waning; loss; forsake; donor; giver
dor ba
[translation-san] niryūha
[translation-san] {C} avakāra
[translation-san] {MSA} tyāga (e.g.: manaskāra-tyāga)
[translation-eng] {C}discard; reject; cast out; forsake; cancel withdrawal; repudiation