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Dictionary Definition :

Ucca (adj.) [For udya, adj. formation from prep. ud above, up] high (opp. avaca low) D i.194; M ii.213; A v.82 (˚ṭhāniyaŋ nīce ṭhāne ṭhapeti puts on a low place which ought to be placed high); Pv iv.74 (uccaŋ paggayha lifting high up = uccataraŋ katvā PvA 265); Pug 52, 58; DA i.135; PvA 176.
   -- âvaca high and low, various, manifold Vin i.70, 203; J iv.115, 363 (= mahaggha -- samaggha C. p. 366); Sn 703, 714, 792, 959; Dh 83; Nd1 93, 467; Vv 121 (= vividha VvA 60); 311. -- kulīnatā high birth A iii.48 (cp. uccā˚).

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,

ucca- mfn. ( said to be fr. [ ca ] fr. √ [ añc ] with 1. [ ud ] ) , high , lofty , elevated; tall MBh. Kum. Śiś. Kathās. &c. ; deep Caurap; high-sounding , loud Bhartṛ. VarBṛS.; pronounced with the Udātta accent RPrāt. VPrāt. &c.; intense , violent R.; m. height MBh.; the apex of the orbit of a planet , Kālas. R. &c.; compar. [ ucca-tara ] , superl. [ ucca-tama ] ; [ cf. Hib. [ uchdan ] , ` a hillock ' ; Cambro-Brit. [ uched ] , ` cleve. '.

Sanskrit-English Dictionary, by M. Monier William
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