Dictionary Definition :
uccar- ( [ ud-√ car ] ) , P. Ā. [ -carati ] , [ -te ] [ Pāṇ. 1-3 , 53 ] , to go upwards , ascend , rise ( as the sun ) , issue forth , go forth RV. AV. VS. ŚBr. Ragh. &c.; to let the contents ( of anything ) issue out; to empty the body by evacuations ŚBr. BhP.; to emit ( sounds ) , utter , pronounce MBh. Ragh. Sāh. &c.; to quit , leave Naish. Bhaṭṭ.; to sin against , be unfaithful to ( a husband ) ; to trespass against MBh. : Caus. P. [ -cārayati ] , to cause to go forth; to evacuate the body by excretion , discharge feces Suśr.;to emit , cause to sound , utter , pronounce , declare MBh. R. BhP. Mṛcch. &c.
Sanskrit-English Dictionary, by M. Monier William
uccāra , uccāraka , uccāraṇa , uccaraṇa , uccāraṇajña , uccapada , uccanῑca , uccankuttha , uccangamāya , uccandra