Dictionary Definition :
ucchri- ( [ ud-√ śri ] ) , P. [ u-chrayati ] ( aor. [ ud-aśret ] RV. vii , 62 , 1 and 76 , 1 ) to raise , erect , extol RV. VS. ŚBr. AitBr. Lāṭy. MBh. R. &c. : Ā. [ u-chrayate ] ( Impv. 2. sg. [ u-chrayasva ] RV. iii , 8 , 3 ) to rise , stand erect RV. VS. AitBr. &c. : Pass. [ u-chrῑyate ] ( pf. [ u-chiśriye ] ) to be erected AitBr. ŚBr. MBh. Prab. : Caus. [ u-chrāpayati ] , to raise , erect VS. xxiii , 26.
Sanskrit-English Dictionary, by M. Monier William
ucchrita , ucchritapāṇi , ucchriti , ucchritya , ucchṛṅgita , ucchreya , ucchrayopeta , ucchrāyin , ucchrayaṇa , ucchraya