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Ukkuṭika [fr. ud + *kuṭ = *kuñc, as in kuṭila & kuñcita; lit. "bending up". The BSk. form is ukkuṭuka, e. g. Av. S i.315] a special manner of squatting. The soles of the feet are firmly on the ground, the man sinks down, the heels slightly rising as he does so, until the thighs rest on the calves, and the hams are about six inches or more from the ground. Then with elbows on knees he balances himself. Few Europeans can adopt this posture, & none (save miners) can maintain it with comfort, as the calf muscles upset the balance. Indians find it easy, & when the palms of the hands are also held together upwards, it indicates submission. See Dial. i.231 n. 4. -- Vin i.45 (˚ŋ nisīdati); iii.228; A i.296; ii.206; Pug 55; Vism 62, 104, 105 (quot. fr. Papañca Sūdanī) 426; DhA i.201, 217; ii.61 (as posture of humility); iii.195; iv.223.
   -- padhāna [in BSk. distorted to utkuṭuka -- prahāṇa Divy 339 = Dh 141] exertion when squatting (an ascetic habit) D i.167; M i.78, 515; A i.296; ii.206; J i.493; iii.235; iv.299; Dh 141 (= ukkuṭika -- bhāvena āraddha -- viriyo DhA iii.

Pali-English Dictionary, TW Rhys Davids, William Stede,

ukkuṭika : [adj.] squatting.

A.P. Buddhadatta Mahathera, Concise Pali-English and English-Pali Dictionary [available as digital version from Metta Net, Sri Lanka]
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