Dictionary Definition :
ukṣan- [ ā ] m. an ox or bull ( as impregnating the flock; in the Veda especially as drawing the chariot of Ushas or dawn ) RV. AV. TS. KātyŚr. MBh. Kum. &c.; N. of the Soma ( as sprinkling or scattering small drops ); of the Maruts; of the sun and Agni RV.; one of the eight chief medicaments ( [ ṛṣabha ] ) L.; N. of a man; ( mfn. ) large L. ; [ cf. Zd. [ ukhshan ] ; Goth. [ auhsa ] and [ auhsu ] ; Armen. [ eṣn ]. ].
Sanskrit-English Dictionary, by M. Monier William
ukṣaṇa , ukṣānna , ukṣaṇya , ukṣaṇyāyana , ukṣaṇyu , ukṣa , ukṣ , ukleśaka , uklāpa (ukkalāpa) , uklāpa