Ulūka [Sk. ulūka; cp. Lat. ulucus & ulula owl, ululāre to howl, Ger. uhu; onomat. *ul, as in Gr. o)lolu/zw, Sk. ululi, Lith. ulůti] an owl Vin i.186 (˚camma, sandals of owl's skin); iii.34; A v.289 sq.; J ii.208, 352 (as king of the birds); Miln 403; DhA i.50 (kāka˚ crows & owls).
-- pakkha owls' wings (used as dress) Vin i.305; D i.167. -- pakkhika dress of owls' wings, or owl feathers A i.241, 296; ii.206; Pug 55 (= ulūka -- pattāni ganthetvā kata -- nivāsanaŋ Pug A 233).
úlūka m. (√val Uṇ. iv, 41), an owl RV. x, 165, 4 AV. vi, 29, 1 VS. TS. MBh. Mn. &c
• N. of Indra Vām
• of a Muni (in the VāyuP. enumerated together with Kaṇāda, but perhaps identical with him, as the Vaiśeshika system is called Aulūkya-darśana in the Sarvad.)
• of a Nāga Suparṇ
• of a king of the Ulūkas
• (ās), m. pl., N. of a people MBh. Hariv
• (ī), f. N. of the primeval owl Hariv. 222 VP. ; (am), n. a kind of grass (= ulapa) L. (cf. Lat. ulula
• Gk. ? ; Old [218, 3] High Germ. ūla ; Angl. Sax. ūle ; Mod. Germ. Eule ; Eng. owl ; Fr.hulotte.)