Uñcha & Uñchā (f.) [Sk. uñcha & uñchana, to uñch. Neu- mann's etym. uñchā = E. ounce, Ger. unze (Majjhima trsl.2ii.682) is incorrect, see Walde Lat. Wtb. under uncia] anything gathered for sustenance, gleaning S ii. 281; A i.36; iii.66 sq., 104; Vin iii.87; Sn 977; Th 2, 329, 349; J iii.389; iv.23, 28, 434, 471 (˚ya, dat. = phalâphalɔatthāya C.); ThA 235, 242. Cp. samuñchaka.
-- cariyā wandering for, or on search for gleaning, J ii.272; iii.37, 515; v.3; DA i.270; VvA 103; ThA 208. -- cārika (adj.) going about after gleanings, one of 8 kinds of tāpasā SnA 295 (cp. DA i.270, 271). -- patta the gleaning -- bowl, in phrase uñchāpattāgate rato "fond of that which has come into the gl. b." Th 1, 155 = Pv iv.73 (= uñchena bhikkhācārena laddhe pattagate āhāre rato PvA 265; trsld. in Psalms of Brethren "contented with whatever fills the bowl"). aññāt˚, marked off as discarded (goods) S ii.281, so S A.